Joan Wells Beauty Therapy Salon for Women Cape Town


Beauty Treatments Cape Town:

 Call: +27 (0)82 920 1631
Joan Wells Beauty
Salon For Women
+27 82 920 1631
Booking by appointment only.

Joan Wells Beauty Therapy Pricelist 12 Sep 2024

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DERMA PLANING: - Beautiful skin is a blade away with this effective treatment - no down time; suitable for all skin types; promotes smoother skin; provides deeper product penetration with No Down Time!  Immediate results! No numbing needed, this relaxing treatmentR650
SKIN NEEDLING or Collagen Induction Therapy, is a fabulous skin-rejuvination procedure. Single or 6 x monthly treatments to target Acne/skin scarring, pigmentation, fine lines, wrinkles, enlarged pores, lack of radiance. Covers face and neck, and R150 to add decolleteR750 / add R200
VITADERM AROMATIC FACIAL - a wonderful, relaxing full facial using Aromatic Massage Complex, resulting in deeply hydrated skinR470
VITADERM PURIFYING TREATMENT - This treatment is ideal for someone who suffers from breakouts or ingrown hairs. The Purifying Complex offers a deep cleansing action, and is antiseptic and very soothing. The skin is left hydrated and never irritated.R450
VITADERM VITALITY BOOSTER TREATMENT - This facial contains innovative ingredients offering super anti-oxident benefits, making it an ideal preventatitive anti-aging treatment for dry, devitalised complexionsR500
PRO-ACTIVE HYDRATING FACIAL TREATMENT - This is an ageless, intensive hydrating facial, designed to restore moisture to the skin, and boost hydration levels, bringing back that supple feeling of a well-moisturisesd skin. R550

Skin Peels

Vitaderm Salicylic Acid Exfoliant Facial is ideal for problem skin but suitable for all except ultra-sensitive skins, this treatment provides a gentle manual exfoliation, leaving the complexion ultra-smooth R550
Vitaderm Hydroxy Acid Peel is ideal for all skin types, as well as oily or acne-prone. This treatment can be a single one or a winter course of 3 - 6. It has the additional benefit of restoring radiance to the skin, aiding in the reduction of fine lines and ageingR600
Biodermal TCA Peel treats a wide range of issues including signs of aging, sun damage, hyperpigmentation and scarring. Although there is some downtime, significant improvements of the skin's appearance can be noted. It can also be used for 'spot treating' during other peels.R650
Biodermal Renu Multiplex Peel excellent for hyper pigmentation. This peel targets dark marks and sun damage. This is a medium peel which aids in the reduction of melanin in the skin, and results in a more even skin tone. It also stimulates collagen production which improves firmnR650
Biodermal Lactic Acid Peel is a milder peel which will repair the skin barrier by moisturising and hydrating the skin, while also exfoliating to improve the complexion. It gently nourishes and moisturises dry, dehydrated and oily skin. An excellent all-round peel.R550
Pixel Peel Treatment is a combination of Skin Needling and Skin Peeling, for a more intense result. This can be for anti-aging, fine lines and wrinkles, texture, pigmentation, revealing healthier skin at a faster rate.R1100.00

Other Facial Treatments

Lash tintR100
Brow tintR80
Brow shapeR120
Brow Shape & Tint R150
Lash Lift - this is a lash perm for a wonderfully natural look. The top lashes lift upwards, giving a flattering open-eyed look! Without tint / with tintR350 / R400





Arm half/fullR160/190
Bikini Small / plus backR200/220
Bikini Full /plus backR220/R250
Brow wax & shape / TintR120/R150
Face -full face excludes browsR280
Leg Half / plus kneeR160/180
Leg Three quarter R210
Leg FullR270
Leg upper200
Lip / chin / cheeks eachR90
Nostrils / EarsR90
Tummy / bum cheeksR90

Facial Threading

Brow Shape                          R120
Chin, Upper Lip, Cheeks, per area R90
Full Face excludes browsR280



Back, Neck and Shoulder Massage 30 minsR300
Back, Neck and Shoulder Massage 60 minsR460
Swedish Full Body massage 60 minutesR460
Swedish Full body massage 90 minutesR600

Spa Massage

Relaxing Spa back treatment - Exfoliating Skin Polish, followed by Soothing Masque, Rounded off with a Relaxing Back Massage  60 MinutesR500



Brow Shape - wax or thread R120
Brow Tint R80
Brow Shape and Tint R150
Brow Lamination - brow perm, shape and tint, this treatment is ideal for patchy and unruly brows, it also creates a wonderful groomed look. The treatment lasts between 4 to 8 weeks.R350

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